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Version: 4.0

Error Code Reference

The return code of each API represents its operation state. The following items list the general error of OODM, which can be useful when you receive such code and resolve bugs according to the explaination.

Error CodeDescription
10001001Server unknown error
10001002Invalid parameter value
10001003Failed to generate ID
10001004Database operation failed
10001005Instance ID cannot be empty
10001006Date parse failed, unmatched format
10001007Remote call error
10001008Failed to copy object
10001009Not found (template/property/event/service/subscription/alarm)
10001010Unsupported operation
10001011No permission
10001012Duplicate field
10001013Does not conform to specifications
10001014Dependencies exist in metadata
10001015Metadata already exists
90200000Metadata does not belong to xx template
90200001Metadata does not belong to xx instance
90200003Metadata does not belong to xx app
90200004Function set source of metadata is xx
90200005Parse instance text error
90200006Database type not supported
90200007Field value already exists
90200008Property value conversion error
90200009Alias and namespace of metadata excess maximum character length
90200010Instance exists, cannot delete,
90200011Node exists, cannot delete network,network
90200012Illegal paremt node IDId
90200013Uncertain name
90300000Service not found
90300001Service execution failed
90300002Service field cannot be empty
90300003Incorrect input parameter format
90300004Data processing error
90300005Alarm confirmation status mpdification error
90300006History alarm export error
90300007Matching data not found
90300008Failed to execute script
90500000Incorrect property format. Template namespace.template alias
90500001Incorrect property format. Template namespace.template alias.instance alias
90500002Incorrect property format. Function set alias
90500003Template not found
90500004Function set not found
90500005Instance not found
90500006Property not found
90800000Data source not found
90800001Failed to execute sqlsql
90800002Parse instance range property to JSON errorjson
90800003Parse instance range property value to JSON errorjson
90800004Alarm confirmation status mpdification error
90800005History alarm export error
90800006Parse string to date error
90900002Alarm info list cannot be empty
90900003Excessed alarm query limit (100)
90900004Incorrect alarm format
90900005Incorrect time format
90900006Invalid history alarm code